
DWARF and exception handling


DWARF(debugging with attributed record formats)是一种常用的source-level调试信息。

DWARF通过树形结构来组织调试信息,树形结构的每个节点可以表示types, variables, functions.

DWARF使用一系列的DIEs(debugging information entries)来定义source program的底层表示。每一个DIE由一个标识(tag)和一系列的属性(attributes)组成。一个DIE或者一群DIE共同描述了source program中对应实体(entity)。标识(tag)指明了每个entry所属的class,以及对应entry所具有的特定属性。

DWARF sections

常见的DWARF section以及对应的含义: .debug_abbrev -> Abbreviations used in the .debug_info section .debug_aranges -> Lookup table for mapping addresses to compilation units .debug_frame -> Call frame information .debug_info -> Core DWARF information section .debug_line -> Line number information .debug_loc -> Location lists used in the DW_AT_location attributes .debug_macinfo -> Macro information .debug_pubnames -> Lookup table for global objects and functions .debug_pubtypes -> Lookup table for global types .debug_ranges -> Address ranges used in the DW_AT_ranges attributes .debug_str -> String table used in .debug_info .debug_types -> Type descriptions

.debug_abbrev section包含多个描述所有遵循DWARF格式的compilation unit的abbreviation tables。

每一个描述compilation unit的abbreviation table包含一系列的abbreviation declarations。每一个declaration指明了一个DIE的tag和attributes。这些信息用于指导.debug_info section的解释。每一个compilation unit都与一个特定的abbreviation table关联,多个compilation units可以共享一个abbreviation table。

DWARF tools

  • readelf
  • dwarfdump
  • libdwarf


DW_TAG_class_type -> Represents the class name and type information DW_TAG_structure_type -> Represents the structure name and type information DW_TAG_union_type -> Represents the union name and type information DW_TAG_enumeration_type -> Represents the enum name and type information DW_TAG_typedef -> Represents the typedef name and type information DW_TAG_array_type -> Represents the array name and type information DW_TAG_subrange_type -> Represents the array size information DW_TAG_inheritance -> Represents the inherited class name and type information DW_TAG_member -> Represents the members of class DW_TAG_subprogram -> Represents the function name information DW_TAG_formal_parameter -> Represents the function arguments' information DW_AT_name -> Represents the name string DW_AT_type -> Represents the type information DW_AT_artificial -> Is set when it is created by compiler DW_AT_sibling -> Represents the sibling location information DW_AT_data_member_location -> Represents the location information DW_AT_virtuality -> Is set when it is virtual

.eh_frame section

.eh_frame section的格式基本与.debug_frame一样,存在一些细微的差别。

.eh_frame section包含至少一条CFI(Call Frame Information)记录,而CFI = 1 CIE(Common Information Entry) + at least 1 FDE(Frame Description Entry)。

就观察来说,对于一个源码文件编译出来的object文件,有一个CIE,记录了一些全局的信息,包括version,augmentation string等等。FDE则对应每一个函数。


no .eh_frame_hdr table will be created


.eh_frame_hdr简单的说,就是用于.eh_frame检索的概括信息,这些信息最终的用途是实现ELF的Exception Handling机制。(待填坑)


      if ((sec->flags & SEC_LINKER_CREATED) == 0 || cookie->rels != NULL)
        asection *rsec;



通过阅读源码,发现每个FDE对应的重定向地址都是offset + 0x8. 这个地址对应的DWARF属性是 - PC Begin。

出错的原因到这里就很清楚了,做补丁的时候,我去除了没用到的symbol和relocation entry, 导致linker在处理.eh_frame时,校验失败。

解决的办法也很简单,去除relocation entry之后,把对应的FDE也去除掉。


在生成新的.eh_frame时候,注意要同时更新PC Begin和eh_hdr_id,对应的relocation entry的offset也要更新。

